ICAS has developed legislative outreach programs over the last three years and those programs will become stronger. Tomorrow (Friday, February 8) and continuously thereafter as we address the impact of sequestration cuts, ICAS will be reaching out to you with requests to contact your elected representatives. We need you to give them your perspective on these issues and how damaging sequestration cuts may be to your business, to the economies in which your events are held, and to the image and stature of the military among the taxpaying public.
We work in a small, but important industry. As event organizers and air show performers, our work touches millions of people every year. But that work cannot be recognized until we explain it to the elected representatives who have the ability to avert this budgetary crisis. And, because we are a small industry, it’s especially important that we all participate in this legislative outreach program. ICAS will provide sample letters, contact information and other resources to make it as easy as possible for you to make those contacts, but we must rely on you to take the ten or fifteen minutes required to send that email or make that telephone call.
Please be on the lookout for these legislative outreach prompts from the ICAS office. Contact all of the congressional representatives and senators we ask you to contact. And please send us a courtesy copy so we can track progress.